Back-end Developers RoadMap❤


2 min read

Roadmap for Back-End Developersđź’•


  1. How does the internet work?
  2. What is HTTP?
  3. Browsers and how they work?
  4. DNS and how it works?
  5. What is Domain Name?
  6. What is hosting?

Basic Front-end Knowledge

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript

OS and General Knowledge

  1. Terminal usage
  2. How OSs work in general
  3. Process Mgt.
  4. Threads & concurrency
  5. Basic terminal commands
  6. Memory mgt.
  7. Interprocess comm.
  8. I/O mgt.
  9. POSIX basics
  10. Basic networking concepts

Learn a Language

Make sure to learn it fast and clear. Core details about its runtime e.g concurrency, memory model etc.

  1. Java
  2. Python
  3. PHP
  4. C#
  5. Javascript
  6. Ruby
  7. Rust
  8. Go

Version Control System

  1. Basic usage of Git
  2. Repo hosting services I. GitHub II. Gitlab III. Bitbucket

    Relational Databases

  3. MySQL

  4. PostgreSQL
  5. MariaDB
  6. MS SQL
  7. Oracle

NoSQL Databases

  1. MongoDB
  2. RethinkDB
  3. CouchDB
  4. DynamoDB

More About Databases

  1. ORMs
  2. ACID
  3. Transactions
  4. N+1 Problem
  5. Data Replication
  6. Sharding Strategies
  7. CAP Theorem
  8. Database Normalisation
  9. Indexes and how they work

Learn About APIs

  1. REST
  2. JSON APIs
  4. Open API Spec and Swagger
  5. Authentication
  6. GraphQL


  1. CDN
  2. Server-side I. Redis II. Memcached
  3. Client-side

Web Security Knowledge

  1. Hashing Algorithm
    • MD5 and why not to use it
    • SHA Family
    • Scrypt
    • Bcrypt
  2. HTTPS
  3. Content Security Policy
  4. CORS
  5. SSL/TLS
  6. OWASP Security Risk


  1. Integration Testing
  2. Unit Testing
  3. Functional Testing


  1. Jenkins
  2. GitLab
  3. CircleCI
  4. Bamboo
  5. TeamCity
  6. Travis CI
  7. Buddy

Design and Development Principles

  1. SOLID
  2. KISS
  3. YAGNI
  4. DRY
  5. GOF Design Patterns
  6. Domain-Driven Design
  7. Test-Driven Development

Architectural Patterns

  1. Monolithic
  2. Microservices
  3. SOA
  4. CQRS and Event Sourcing
  5. Serverless

Message Brokers

  1. RabbitMQ
  2. Kafka


  1. Docker
  2. rkt
  3. LXC

Web Servers

  1. Nginx
  2. Apache
  3. Caddy
  4. MS IIS

Building For Scale

  1. Migration Strategies
  2. Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling

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